Kip: Angel was a classic “just missed” story. The theatrical costumes and show would have fit nicely just previous to their formation and then a decade later, but felt dated and almost silly by the late '70's. First time listeners should know that this was a band who changed dramatically as they searched for a path to success. Angel and Helluva Band feature guitar/keyboard focus and interplay reminiscent of classic Deep Purple, On Earth as It is in Heaven is very diverse, with less focus on keyboards and a more direct approach, though a couple of deep cuts definitely would have fit on the first two albums. White Hot was a very intentional move toward power pop and Sinful was pure pop. That move into more commercial, AOR style might have made them a force several years later, during the initial MTV years and subsequent Hair Band movement, but by then they were done. The guitar/keyboards interplay of the first two albums would have been massively appealing to Deep Purple fans in the early seventies, but by the time Angel arrived, even Purple was downplaying that focus. And Frank's vocals (Geddy Lee high) can never be overlooked as a negative. While many fans love his vocals and see them as an absolute trademark of the band, the “ear fatigue” can't be overlooked, nor can the fact that singing at the top of his register oftentimes made it difficult to discern the lyrics. Again, they just missed success but they built a loyal fanbase. It is an absolute joy to see them still touring and, because of the internet, enjoying possibly more popularity than ever.
My top 10 list (today):
10. Anyway You Want It - Definitely an attempt at a single from Helluva Band, this one features both keyboards and guitar on the riff with a very singable chorus. As a fan of their first two albums, I would have been pleased if this was a “pop” as they got, but I don't think I was their target audience.
9. Under Suspicion - Featuring the newly arrived Felix Robinson on bass, this White Hot track best balances their earlier prog tendencies with their more recent pop leanings and it works to perfection.
8. On the Rocks - a deep cut from the On Earth as it is in Heaven album, this rocker demonstrates their transition away from keyboards and more towards a guitar focus. Like many in the 70's, this song became much stronger in the live setting, but it is definitely a highlight of the third album.
7. Waited a Long Time - This song best represents my belief that Angel would have been huge had they still been around during the mid to late 80's. Geared towards girls, with a a big, bombastic gang chorus, this would have really slotted in with Bon Jovi, Ratt, etc. It's too bad so few people heard it.
6. Over and Over - A track from the fourth White Hot album, it opens with an almost atonal Punky Meadows riff that then morphs into a very comfortable sing-along chorus. Many Angel fans feel this album was the “sweet spot” for the band finding their groove and this song embodies that style.
5. Can You Feel It - The opening song on the third album. A massive drum intro leads into a power chord riff that immediately announces that this is a different, much more straight forward, Angel. Featuring a sing-along chorus, this was one listeners could envision being a monster live.
4. The Fortune - Every 70's band had an “epic” and this was the centerpiece of Helluva Band.A classical keyboard intro leads into the heartfelt vocals followed by bombastic musicianship. This was the '70's we all knew and loved.
3. Tower - The absolute signature song from the band and the first song on the debut, it has everything that defined early Angel: elaborate organ flourishes, soaring vocals and driving guitars. The definitive Angel song.
2. Lovers Live On - Pure simple pop in the vein of “I Want You to Want Me.” The last song on Sinful, it demonstrates how much they had changed from the complex initial albums, but also how talented they were in both songwriting and arranging.
1. Rock & Rollers - a monster riff drives this homage to young concert goers. The drumming on this is absolutely huge. The closest thing to a “single” on the debut album and one that evokes images of fists in the air when performed live.
Jeff: If you’re an Angel fan like me, you might be disappointed with the quality of some of their CD’s. Through the past years there were multiple companies that released Angel CD’s and there is actually quite a difference in the sound of these things! In my opinion the best sounding Angel CDs are the BGO versions from Great Britain released in 2009. They have a much better bottom end with the bass and the drums having a lot more power. Overall the sound is warmer and not so bright. If you listen to this band, bright is really not what you want. The nice thing about the BGO versions is you can actually turn up the CDs and enjoy them! If the BGO versions are too hard to find I think the second-best option out there is the Casablanca years box set; not as good as the BGO’s, but a good second contender.
My top ten Angel songs:
10. Tower : This song would make probably most everyone’s Angel top 10. For many years this is what they opened their live show with… I’d give anything to go back in time and had a chance to see this. I never get tired of this song and it’s great on headphones. The song really showcases the bands’ unique song writing skills and the production is top-notch. It’s a long piece, almost seven minutes, but it never feels that way.
9. Bad Time : This power riff song is from their last album, Sinful. We had this album as a cut-out in the record store that I managed and when anyone would ask about Angel, it was the only album I had available. I would always choose Bad Time as the example of what this band could do. It’s a rather simple song, but I think it’s aged well.
8. Chicken Soup : This is an odd song from the second album, which was my first album. And yes, it’s a dumb title. This song is one of those that doesn’t start off strong, but man does it kick in at 1:24 with such a cool theme; it reminds me of what the Alice Cooper band would do. It’s almost theatrical rock.
7. Wild and Hot : This song is a tip of the hat to Cheap Trick. Such a catchy power pop song and I love Frank’s voice and the intensity of the beat. It just brings a smile to my face… and at the same time makes me feel sad that this was their last album. Listening to Angel is like the blind men feeling the elephant; there’s a lot of variety out there, but this song is about as good as it gets.
6. Can You Feel It : Turn it up, roll down the car windows and blast some Angel as your cruising down the highway. Wow, this song is killer from the second it starts, lots of Led Zepplin energy coming across on this one. I’m not really fond of the piano used in the refrain, but pay attention to Punky's lead on this thing! Nobody sounded quite like Punky Meadows, this is a tour de force of his style.
5. Feelings : These guys can do some beautiful slow songs and Feelings is a great chance for Giuffria’s piano playing to be showcased. And such a beautiful melody. If you’re looking for rock ‘n’ roll and keeping the party going, this isn’t the song for that playlist, but if you feel wiped out from the day and need to disappear, this is a beautiful song to get mellow with.
4. Lovers Live On : Angel became actually quite popish with their last two albums, but this is just perfect pop... such an ear-worm of a song... easily could’ve been a top 20 hit on the radio! I love songs that you can hum or sing once they’re over. I don't know, this song just always puts me in a good mood.
3. The Fortune : A somber masterpiece, even the band themselves comment that they spent way too much time on this song! This song deserves your time and attention with a pair of headphones, turn out the lights and just enjoy. It can create such a mood! …and it isn’t that what music is all about? I just love the vibe of this song, it really works for me on all accounts, lyrically and musically.
2. Broken Dreams : I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to this! This song has such a cool swagger to it. Angel always wrote a middle eight for their songs and they do so here perfectly at 3:10 and then it kicks so seamlessly back into the main song! This song ends strong through the last minute with a great groove from the band. I’m 16 again when I listen to this bad boy!
1. Winter Song : This is the only Angel song that my whole family knows. I have had the Christmas version for many years on a Holiday playlist. That’s the beauty of Angel, they were a lot more than just a simple rock band. They were on par with any of their contemporaries at the time and they show this with this gem. If I was on my deathbed and could hear only one more Angel song, this is the one I would choose.
Mark: Oh baby! I do love top ten lists! I’ve only ever read others lists, never abstracting into my own. I must say it took me awhile to compilate this most excellent of bands musical offerings. I’m quite surprised that most of my list comes from one album. An album that was quite maligned and pooped upon. (Not by me). To those of you who did... shame on you! SHAME! :~) As for me? I’m a loyalist when it comes to bands. (mostly) I prefer to climb aboard their train of musical vision. Kick back in first class, sipping and munching their tasty, and admittedly sometimes not so tasty fair. That’s acceptable. I don’t imagine I could like everything offered by a band; I am a loyalist remember. Ok where was I...Yes! top ten Angel songs! Let’s do a cannon ball in the deep end shall we. (Then get kicked out of the pool because we were warned the next time, we cannonballed, we be ousted and then we can go home and listen to more Punky!)
Here we go:
# 10 - Don’t Leave Me Lonely : Super catchy. I love it.
# 9 – Bad Time : I always have a good time listening to this one.
# 8 – The Fortune : Synthy and satisfying.
# 7 – Hold Me Squeeze Me : Maybe later:) Loved this the first time I played it!
# 6 – Under Suspicion : Heavy and melodic.
# 5 – Ain’t Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore : Punky at his best.
# 4 – Waited a Long Time : Love the chorus.
# 3 – Just a Dream : Gregg Giuffria at his best.
# 2 – The Winter Song : Always reminds me of Christmas.
# 1 – Can You Feel it : First song off my first angel album its so damn heavy! There can only be one # 1.